Cecilia Scorza appointed to OAD Task Force
Scorza joins the group of experts advising and supporting the IAU's Office of Astronomy for Development

HdA staff member Cecilia Scorza has been made a member of the "Task Force 2: Children and Schools" of the International Astronomical Union's Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD).
The OAD was founded in 2011. ITs mission is to further the use of astronomy as a tool for development by mobilizing the human and financial resources necessary in order to realize the field's scientific, technological and cultural benefits to society. The task forces serve the OAD in an advisory capacity and help to coordinates its projects. The task force members are experts in their respective fields.
Dr. Scorza's work at the HdA centers on outreach work for the Sonderforschungsbereich 881 "The Milky Way System" and on the Universe Awareness program, two cooperative programs of the HdA with Heidelberg University's Center for Astronomy.