Partners and sponsors
The Haus der Astronomie (HdA) is the result of a public-private partnership. We are very grateful to our sponsors for their support.
Founding partners

The founders of the Haus der Astronomie are the Klaus Tschira Foundation gGmbH (KTS) and the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (MPG). KTF funded the construction of the HdA building as well as its basic equipment, while MPG is reponsible for managing the HdA, a task it has delegated to the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy.

Additional partners are the City of Heidelberg (via the Stiftung Jugend und Wissenschaft GmbH) and the University of Heidelberg, whose Center for Astronomy is a close collaborator of the Haus der Astronomie.
The Ministry for Science, Research and the Arts as well as the Ministry for Education, Youth and Sports of the State of Baden-Württemberg also support the project.
Cooperation partners

Two of our principal partners are the astronomy magazine Sterne und Weltraum, in particular regarding our Bringing Science to Schools! (WIS) project, and the Astronomieschule e.V. The Haus der Astronomie is moreover the German representative of the ESO Science Outreach Network.
We would like to thank the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung for funding of telescopes for our school observation program, hardware for video and audio productions, the German-Italian “Astronomy from Four Perspectives” teacher training course and the Germany-wide Heraeus astrophysics teacher training program; the Reiff-Stiftung für Amateurastronomie for supporting workshops and the astronomical part of the "Bringing Science to Schools" project, the Baden-Württemberg Foundation for financing our hands-on kits for infrared astronomy and astronomy in primary schools, and the Carl Zeiss Foundation for their financial support for a teacher-student project and for the Office of Astronomy for Education.