Heraeus Summer School: Astronomy from four perspectives
This Summer, from 24 to 30 August 2025, a group of teachers and teacher students mainly from the Heidelberg area will be travelling to Trento for the WE Heraeus Summer School “Astronomy from four perspectives”. Together with colleagues from Jena, Padova and Milano, they will spend a week learning about how large-scale structures have formed over the course of cosmic history.
Who can participate?
We have a limited number of places for the "Heidelberg contingent" for participants from Heidelberg and the surrounding area. As in the past years, we will offer some of those places to our partner group in Dortmund (Prof. D. Elsässer), as welll.
Heidelberg participants will meet over the course of the Summer Semester for several online sessions, which they will spend preparing a tutorial to be held for the other participants during our week in Trento.
Travel and accommodation costs for participants for our week in Trento, where the Summer School will be held, is funded by the WE Heraeus Foundation.
If you would like to participate, please contact sekretariat@hda-hd.de as soon as possible.
Those who participate this year will also have a preferential claim to the places of the Heidelberg contingent for 2024, when we go to Padua for the summer school (for that trip, travel costs, accommodation costs, lunch and conference dinner are covered).
Under special circumstances, in 2022, we can also admit German participants from further away; however, they would then have to pay for their own travel to Heidelberg and, if necessary, accommodation.
The Summer School Series
The Heraeus Summer School series "Astronomy from four perspectives" draw together teachers and teacher students, research astronomers and astronomy students from Germany and Italy. For each summer school, participants gather at one of the four participating nodes: Heidelberg, Padua, Jena, and Milano/Brescia (until 2021: Florence).
Each summer school has an overarching astrophysical theme. The schools so far have been:
- Heidelberg 2013: Cosmology
- Padova 2014: Active Galactic Nuclei
- Jena 2015: Gravitational Waves
- Florence 2016: Formation of Stars and Planets
- Heidelberg 2017: The Dark Universe
- Padova 2018: Multimessenger Astronomy
- Jena 2019: Gravitational Lensing
- Florence 2021: Galaxy Formation and Evolution (virtual school)
- Heidelberg 2022: Exoplanets
- Padova 2023: Astroparticle Physics
- Jena 2024: Astrophysics of compact objects
- Trient 2025: Large-scale structure of the universe
The German-Italian summer schools are funded by the WE Heraeus Foundation.
Each summer school is a combination of lectures by scientists and science educators, presentations by the participants, organized discussions and excursions. Before their joint meeting, the participants from the different nodes have already prepared for the topic at hand at their home institutions.