Astronomical Events at the Königstuhl

We look forward to welcoming you to the Haus der Astronomie.

Offers for individuals

We regularly offer public guided tours and planetarium demonstrations for individuals (these events are held in German).
You can find an overview of the current dates via the menu under Aktuelle Veranstaltungen (current events).

Public Journey through the Universe
Please notice: This public event is held in german. more
mpia campus
Are you interested in the astronomical facilities on the Königstuhl and would like to find out more about our research? more

Offers for Groups

Would you like to visit the Königstuhl with a group? Here you will find our offers for groups for individually arranged dates

Group Astronomy Tours at the Königstuhl
Are you interested in the astronomical facilities at the Königstuhl and would like to find out more about the research we do? The three astronomical institutes at the Königstuhl, HdA, MPIA and Landessternwarte (LSW), offer joint guided tours. The minimum group size for tours is 12 people, up to a maximum of 45. more
The Great Journey through the Universe for Groups
Fly with us to the ends of the Universe in the Haus der Astronomie’s digital, interactive Zeiss planetarium and take the opportunity to ask everything you've always wanted to know about the Universe along the way. more

Guided tours for small groups in the evening and at weekends

These guided tours, as well as observation evenings at the Landessternwarte, are offered by the Astronomieschule e.V.
If you are interested, please contact the Astronomieschule directly at