Book presentation and reading on April 24, 2019: Was den Mond am Himmel hält - Der etwas andere Streifzug zu unserem kosmischen Begleiter
On Wednesday, 24 April at 7 p.m., physicist and author Michael Büker will read from his new book, which was published in March by Franckh-Kosmos Verlag.

Everyone knows the Moon, but hardly anyone knows much about it. Or can you explain what it is made of, how it was created and what keeps it in the sky? Michael Büker and Tanja Wehr now find a remedy. In their somewhat different expedition to our cosmic companion they explain everything you always wanted to know about Earth's natural satellite - and in a way that you will not forget! Their special concept is a combination of entertainingly narrated texts and clever sketch notes that visualize what she has read. Thus also more complex topics become easily understandable and the contents burn themselves automatically into the memory. Thus, thi is best infotainment in book form by two professionals of science communication.
Michael Büker is a physicist and author. In 2014 he won the audience award at the international Fame-Lab competition for science communication. Art historian Tanja Wehr has started her own business as a graphic designer, sketcher and graphic recorder. She provides strategic consulting for companies and conducts workshops on the subject of modern visual language.
The admission fee, including the system fees incurred during advance booking, is 5 Euros.
Tickets are available online or from
Zigarren Grimm
Sofienstrasse 11
69115 Heidelberg
Further advance booking offices outside Heidelberg can be found here. Please note that ticket purchases are binding.